
Special Feed Supplement to Improve Fertility and Milk Fat in Dairy Animals (Reprofat Plus)

The special feed supplement (Reprofat plus) contains an easily fermentable source of energy, an easily available source of nitrogen in rumen, a source of bypass protein, most critical macro and micro minerals and a source of natural anti-oxidant of plant origin. These ingredients are to be mixed thoroughly and kept in air-tight container. It is recommended to feed this supplement (250 gm per adult medium milk yielding dairy animal; 500 gm per adult high milk yielding animal per day), soon after feeding dry or green fodder. The animal should consume fodder for at least 20- 30 minutes before feeding the special feed supplement. This supplement containing most critical nutrients will act catalytically in rumen and enhance the fibre digestion to maximize microbial protein synthesis. This microbial protein has high biological value and along with catalytic amounts of limiting amino acids present in bypass protein of the special supplement will improve liver function. Also, the natural antioxidant present in the special feed supplement will help in improving hepatic and uterine health. The critical minerals present in special feed supplement will help in better nutrient utilization, biochemical and hormonal functions. As a net effect, there will be more mastication and more saliva flowing to rumen for buffering effect. This will help in synthesis of milk with desired quality in terms of fat and solid not fat. Improved reproductive health due to feeding of this special supplement will allow the animal for proper estrus cycle and conception.